За които не са го чували, Цузе е немският Тюринг, Атанасов, Фон Нойман, Мокли, Екерт.
Освен това, той е немският Фредкин (американец от руски произход), защото има подобна на него, по-неуточнена, теория за Вселената като клетъчен автомат. Какво е клетъчен автомат? Вижте със "cellular automata" или "game of life".
Поставят Планкалюл като предшественик на Алгол, Пролог и Айфел.
Цитат за възможностите на Планкалюл, от онази страница:
Introduction of the assignment operation, for example: V1 + V2 => R1.
The sign => was introduced by Rutishauser(5) to the ALGOL 60 GAMM-committee, but the committee did not accept it.
Statements like V1 = V2 => R1. This means: Compare the variables V1 and V2: If they are identical then assign the value true to R1, otherwise assign the value false. Such operations could also be applied on complicated data structures.
Programming plans, calling sub-programs, and different stop criteria. Conditional statements (but no ELSE statement). Repetition of statements (loops). Operations of predicate logic and Boolean algebra. Powerful operations on lists and pairs of lists. No recursion.
Data types like: floating point, fixed point, complex numbers. Arrays, records, hierarchical data structures, list of pairs. Arithmetic exception handling. Applications to play chess are described on more than 60 pages. Assertion(6) as was subsequently used in the EIFFEL and MODULA-2 languages. Complicated expressions with parentheses and nesting.