Гледам, че неща като лицензи май не те притесняват 
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The electronic version of the book will continue to be free. You have permission to print a copy of the book for your own use, and to distribute the unmodified electronic version(s).
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1. Recommend it to your friends.
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3. Report any errors or problems you find.
4. Consider buying a copy of the printed book - it's probably cheaper than the toner cartridge you'll use up printing it yourself. However, if it works well enough for you as an electronic document, great!
5. Consider buying a CD Rom or coming to one of my seminars.
Това е от Flash базираните уроци по C:
This seminar is licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5" license, which means that you may freely distribute the entire package as long as you give attribution to the authors, but you may not sell it or modify it. See the link above for more detail.
Не съм модифицирал абсолютно нищо, нито си приписвам авторски заслуги => лицензът е спазен.
А това е от сайта на Дейвид Ек:
©2006, David J. Eck.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. (This license allows you to redistribute this book in unmodified form. It allows you to make and distribute modified versions, as long as you include an attribution to the original author, clearly describe the modifications that you have made, and distribute the modified work under the same license as the original. See the license for full details.)
The most recent version of this book is always available, at no charge, for downloading and for on-line use at the Web address: http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/
Отново не съм модифицирал абсолютно нищо, нито пък си приписвам авторски заслуги => лицензът е спазен.
Ето го и здравия лиценз, който подкрепя казаното по-горе: