Ами само мога да допълня, че съм на мнението на OpenBSD... Ще го кажа и с други думи.
1. Именно защото крайния продукт представлява ПУ/ФМИ, а студентът е в правото си да НЕ желае създаденият от НЕГО продукт да представлява ФМИ, смятам, че всеки е в правото си да откаже публикация... Според [почти, за да се застраховам] всички законодателства публикуването на даден материал трябва да става с разрешението на неговия автор, нали?
2. Има много студенти, които правят дипломни работи със статут на нововъведение... Защо ФМИ трябва да прави изключение.
Ако работиш в софтуерна фирма, например, продуктите, които изработва софтуерната фирма са собственост на фирмата, защото тя си ПЛАЩА.
ФМИ не плаща на студентите, за да създадат даден програмен продукт, например. Ето защо, ФМИ не би трябвало да има право на облаги, ако продуктът може да реализира комерсиална печалба...
Като пример ще посоча университетът във Вермънт, в чийто правилник пише:
Ownership of an Invention. The University recognizes three types of inventions for the purposes of defining ownership of the invention.
Type A--Inventions subject to a sponsored agreement between the University and the sponsor.
Type B--Inventions not subject to a sponsored agreement but that involve the use of University time, funds, or other resources.
Type C--Inventions not subject to a sponsored agreement that do not involve the use of University time, funds, or other resources.
Type A Inventions. These are inventions arising from a sponsored agreement in which ownership of the invention is determined by the negotiated terms of the sponsored agreement.
a. Government Sponsored Agreements.
(1) The invention and the rights to the patent belong to the University unless otherwise negotiated in the sponsored agreement.
(2) Exclusive licenses may be negotiated when this will, in the judgement of the University, best serve the interests of the University and the public.
b. All Other sponsored Agreements.
(1) The inventions and the rights to the patent belong to the University unless otherwise negotiated in the sponsored agreement.
(2) The first option for an exclusive license of the patent belongs to the sponsor for a term exclusively determined by the University and sponsor unless otherwise negotiated in the sponsored agreement.
Type B Inventions. These are inventions by a University member not subject to a sponsored agreement but resulting from projects or other activities supported by the use of University time, funds, or other resources. For the purpose of this provision, University time includes that time devoted to implicit or assigned University functions of research, teaching, service, administration, and the direction of thesis or dissertation research.
(1) The invention and the rights to the patent belong to the University.
(2) Exclusive licenses may be negotiated when this will, in the judgement of the University, best serve the interest of the University and the public.
When a type B invention is made by a student enrolled at The University of Vermont, the University will waive its rights and the invention will become the property of the student providing the student is not being paid through the University payroll system and provided that the student's rights in the invention are not altered by the terms of any financial aid, including grants, contracts, scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, traineeships, thesis or dissertation support, or other assistance whether or not administered by the University.
A staff member or other compensated University member even though enrolled as a student at The University of Vermont (or elsewhere) will not be considered a student as far as the ownership of patentable inventions are concerned.
Type C Inventions. These are inventions made by a University member on his/her own time. "Own time" shall mean time other than that devoted to University functions of research, teaching, service, administration, and the direction of thesis or dissertation research. University members with inventions resulting from unsponsored activities conducted on his/her own time may elect to assign a patent and its subsequent commercial development under terms agreed upon by the individual inventor (s) and the University. Permission for the use of laboratory or other specialized facilities for unsponsored activities must be obtained from the immediate supervisor of the laboratory or facility.
Тъй като гледам, добрата идея ще прерастне в правен казус, а не искам да е така... А идеята всъщност е страхотна и поне за 99% от работите в ПУ съм сигурен, че до такъв момент няма да се стигне.