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Автор Тема: Обяви за международни прояви за студенти и преподаватели от ЮФ  (Прочетена 2469 пъти)


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English-language MA Programs at the Charles University in Prague


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Re: Nicolaus Copernicus University
« Отговор #3 -: 02.04.2012, 09:30:36 »

Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the
> Nicolaus Copernicus University, together with Czech, Hungarian and
> German partners organizes on 17-22 July 2012 the 1st Copernicus
> Graduate School Summer School. It will take place at the Nicolaus
> Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland).
> The topic of the summer school will be: Models of European Civil
> Societies. Transnational Perspectives on Forming of Modern Societies
> in Central Europe.
> The conference is addressed to all PhD students and graduates of all
> disciplines, whose research interests suit the topic. It should bring
> young scientists into creative discussion in an open international
> atmosphere under the guidance of fellows.
> You can find all the important information on the website:
> The summer school is realised within the scope of the project "Central
> Europe in 21st Century. Politics - Society - Identity" and is
> financially supported by the Visegrad Fund, City of Toruń and
> German-Polish Foundation for Science.


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The International University College of Turin (IUC)
« Отговор #4 -: 12.04.2012, 22:24:10 »

The International University College of Turin (IUC) is now taking applications for the 2012-2013 Academic Year. Most of the students accepted have the possibility of receiving partial or full scholarships to attend our program (including tuition waiver, accommodation, monthly living stipend, travel expenses and more).

           * Candidates from diverse backgrounds with an emphasis on law, economics, finance (business or accounting,) political science, anthropology, and sociology.
           * Candidates must be at the Masters level, meaning graduation from their undergraduate program by July 2011 (does not apply to exchange students).
           * Additionally a high level of English language ability (IELTS 6.5 or 7) is required.  While students are not required to submit an IELTS or TOEFL score (though highly encouraged) with their application, we do expect in this   case that the candidate provide some other equivalent method of reviewing language level (e.g. an academic paper written in English).

The IUC was established in 2006 for the interdisciplinary and comparative study of law, economics and finance, in response to the clear lack of a transnational set of normative principles capable of controlling economic processes. The program specifically looks to engage students and young scholars from all over the world with special emphasis on the periphery, or 'global south', with leading figures in economics, law and the humanities.

The IUC offers a 1 year LLM program in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance as well as a 2 year MSc.
A number of renown intellectuals and scholars from around the world serve on the faculty and advisory board, including: Guido Calabresi (former Dean of the Yale School of Law), David Gerber (Chicago Kent School of Law), Joseph Halevi (University of Sydney), Duncan Kennedy (Harvard Law School), Ugo Mattei (University of Torino & University of California, Hastings), Stefano Rodotà (co-author of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights), Amartya Sen (Nobel Laureate), Gunther Teubner (Frankfurt School), Jan Toporowski (SOAS, University of London), Gustavo Zagrebelsky (Emeritus President of the Italian Constitutional Court).

Our students are from more than 40 different countries, spanning five continents, representative of a diverse range of disciplines and cultural backgrounds, with a focus on offering opportunities to students coming from social, economic, and/or political challenges, particularly students from former colonized territories and other newer peripheries.

We have already established partnerships with institutions from around the globe including: The University of Copenhagen (DK), University of California, Hastings (USA), University of Fribourg (Switzerland), University of Illinois (USA), Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Spain), Universidad de Chile (Santiago), Universidad de Concepcion (Chile), Universidad De Los Andes (Colombia), Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Argentina), Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos (Perù), Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Rome), Lanzhou University(China), Ruaha University College (Tanzania), Université de Bamako (Mali), National Law School of India University (Bangalore), Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca (Bolivia), University of Eastern Piedmont (Italy), Radzyner School of Law, Herzliya (Israel), Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice (Paris), Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca (Argentina), Center for International Media Ethics (USA, Paris), Higher School of Economics (Russia), UN Commission of International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research (UNICRI), International Training Center-International Labor Organization (ITC-ILO).
For more information see:

The2012-2013 Application Form and Application Instructions can be downloaded from our website:
The deadline for all application materials is May 15th, 2012 by midnight CET.


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Summer University Prague 2012
« Отговор #5 -: 12.04.2012, 22:25:58 »

Dear Sir/Madam,
we would like to inform you about the academic programme "Summer University Prague
2012", taking place at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) during
September 2012 (September 8 – 23). Its topic is „East goes west – West goes east?:
Searching for a new European order after 1990”. This study programme is
internationally acknowledged and recognized, successful participants will be given
12 ECTS. For detailed information please see our official homepage


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Re:University of the Basque Country - Intensive language courses 2012/2013
« Отговор #6 -: 27.04.2012, 20:42:41 »

Dear partners,

We would like to inform you that the University of the Basque Country offers, free
of charge, Spanish and Basque language courses to its international students
regularly enrolled in one of its courses.


Attached you will find information regarding our Basque EILC (Erasmus Intensive
Language Course) summer course both in Spanish and English. This year we are just
going to offer one Basque beginners course before the start of the ordinary academic

The course will take place in Bilbao from the 27th August to the 14th September 2012.


The Spanish intensive course will take place as well in the same dates of the Basque
course but in all our campuses (Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa) and will last only two
weeks. More information will be updated in our web site
( as soon as we can.


Feel free to contact María Carpintero ( in case you have any
doubt or question regarding our language courses.


Best regards,                                                                       


      María Carpintero

      Cursos de lenguas para estudiantes visitantes / Ikasle bisitarientzako
hizkuntza ikastaroak

      Vicerrectorado Proyección Internacional / Nazioarteko Hedakuntzarako


            C/ Comandante Izarduy, 2. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz
            T.: +34 945-013356

            F.: +34 945-013354



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Upcoming ILI Seminar- Orientation in the US Legal System & Legal English
« Отговор #7 -: 10.05.2012, 10:34:39 »

Upcoming Seminars:
      July 9-20, 2012

      The Legal English seminar exposes foreign legal practitioners and law students
to English legal terminology and usage through an overview of the U.S. legal
system, contract law, and commercial law. In addition to learning a broad
range of legal terminology, participants benefit from an introduction to the
legal reasoning process in the U.S. legal system, helping them to apply the
terms and concepts as they learn them. Participants in this seminar will
develop the advanced skills they need to succeed in a multi-jurisdictional
legal practice. The language and reasoning skills that they develop are useful
not only for working with clients, firms and organizations in the United
States, but also for understanding the logic behind U.S. legal practice and
applying U.S. legal reasoning in their own practice.
      Location: Washington, DC
      Tuition: $1900*
      Duration: 10 Business Days
      July 23-August 3, 2012

      This program, which is in its 46th consecutive year, is designed to introduce
foreign attorneys to the American mixed system of common law and codes.
Foreign lawyers will gain a better understanding of how to work within the U.S
legal system and how to best interact with their counterparts and American
corporate clients. The program provides a foundation of U.S. legal thinking
and commercial law, as well a background into the role of common law in
international and supranational organizations such as the WTO, the EU, and
other similar institutions. This course is ideal for attorneys in
corporations, law firms, and those seeking a U.S. LLM.
      Location: Washington, DC
      Tuition: $2600*
      Duration: 10 Business Days
      *Please note, for those participants who wish to attend both Legal English and
Legal Writing and Orientation in the U.S. Legal System and Business Law, ILI
provides a special course combination price of $3995, compared to $4500 if
applied to individually.
        a.. International Oil and Gas Development
        June 11-22
        b.. Arbitration for Judges
        September 24-28
        c.. Employment Conflict- and Dispute Resolution in Development
        October 1-12
        d.. Advanced Arbitration and Mediation
        November 5-16
        e.. International Investment Agreements and Investor-State Arbitration
        November 26-December 7

      The International Law Institute was founded in 1955 as part of Georgetown
University. Since 1983, ILI has been an independent, non-profit training

      ILI offers training to assist government officials, practitioners and the
private sector in finding solutions to the legal and economic challenges faced
by developing nations and emerging economies.

      ILI participants are exposed to best practices in good governance, management,
and transparency standards that will give them the tools to improve the
performance of government agencies, promote public accountability in
government and achieve economic growth. More than 28,000 participants, from
over 185 countries, have been trained by ILI and its global affiliates.
      International Law Institute

      Fostering Prosperity Through the Rule of Law
      1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW Suite M-100 Washington, DC 20007
      Tel: 202.247.6006 Fax: 202.247.6010 Website:


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University of Cagliari is organising Italian Language and Culture Courses
« Отговор #8 -: 20.05.2012, 22:39:47 »

Dear Colleague,

It is my pleasure to announce that the University of Cagliari is organising
Italian Language and Culture Courses  that will occur during July  and
September 2012.


Our courses are designed by the University of Cagliari's Language Centre and
ISMOKA to immerse participants in the Italian language and culture and
improve their language skills helped by our Italian teachers. And  to help
students who wants to register or do an exchange period at the Cagliari


Although the main topic of the course has a linguistic character, we believe
the best outcome can be reached by connecting the Italian language programme
with some laboratories about Sardinian culture that will allow participants
to become familiar with Italian traditions and way of life.


There are 5 different levels for the language courses: beginner, A1, A2,
B1,B2, C1, Each course lasts 2 weeks and it's possible to apply for one or
all courses:

1st course:           02/ 07/ 12 -  13/ 07/ 12

2nd course:          17/ 07/ 12  - 27/ 07/ 12

3rd course:           03/ 09/ 12 -  14/ 09/ 12

4th course:           17/ 09/ 12 -28/ 09/ 12



Application deadline   15.06.2012


The total programme fee is 150,00 Euros (without accommodation), We reserve
a 20% reduction on the admission fee to Erasmus and exchange students, PhD
students, scholarship's holders and staff training.

The  Italian language and culture  program is internationally acknowledged
and recognized, successful participants will be given 6 ECTS.

 Our University is a recognized Certifying Center authorized by the PLIDA
Head Office and our summer courses are also preparatory for  the PLIDA
certificate  exam.

 Sardinia is a well known tourist destination attracting more and more
tourists thanks to its beautiful beaches and sea. The Italian Language
course of the University of Cagliari offers participants the possibility to
enjoy a wonderful holiday while learning or improving Italian, thus mixing
business with pleasure.

 I would be pleased if you could promote this opportunity within your
consulate through any possible channel.

 For more information, course curricula and application forms, please contact
us or visit


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European Summer Academy
« Отговор #9 -: 23.05.2012, 17:39:46 »

We have started to read all published draft work programmes and prepare ourselves
for the new calls coming up in July. European researchers everywhere are getting
ready for developing ideas, putting together consortia. We expect that the
competition will be tougher towards the end of FP7, but the published budgets are
still high and many projects will be financed. You might be interested in joining
our team at the 6th European Summer Academy where every year in 5 days participants
learn all about how to develop, negotiate and manage EU funded research and
innovation projects.

Our senior project managers and CIP/FP7 evaluators will guide you through the whole
project lifecycle just in time for the next open calls.

Experience Europa Media’s famous “learning-by-doing” approach, while enjoying the
relaxing surroundings of Lake Balaton in Hungary.

Registration is open and you can still benefit from the Early Bird fees till 1 June
2012! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

For more information please click here: