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Автор Тема: International Science and Practice Conference for young researchers  (Прочетена 1809 пъти)


  • Неактивен Неактивен
  • Публикации: 47

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Taraz State Pedagogical University
Republic of Kazakhstan’s First President’s Fund
The National Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Young Researchers of TSPU (Taraz State Pedagogical University)

Dear colleagues, young researchers!

On April 16-18, 2009, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan’s First President’s Fund, The National Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Young Researchers of TSPI are holding The Third International Science and Practice Conference for young researchers (scientific readings) in Taraz.

“ZHAS GALYM - 2009”

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the topical directions of modern science, to review and analyze the findings of the research done by Kazakhstan and foreign young researchers and scientifically oriented students and school students, to share experience and perspectives of solving problems of young researchers, including means of government aid.

Plenary meetings will include reading (reports) of the Chairs of University Young Researchers’ Councils (associations, organizations, unions), scientific and research centres and laboratories of the CIS and worldwide, student researchers and scientifically oriented school students. The theme of the reports is the systems of research (organization, management, funding) in the presented countries and the role of young researchers in these; experience and perspectives of solving problems of young researchers and means of government aid, scientific achievements of young researchers of these countries, and the findings of the current research etc.

The conference will include the following areas:

Section 1: History (native, world), philosophy, political studies, social studies, religious studies, culture studies, ethnic culture studies, law studies, economics
Section 2: Philology (language and culture): Kazakh, Russian and foreign
Section 3: Pedagogy, ethnic pedagogy, psychology, speech disorders, management in education and science

Section 4: Mathematics, physics, computer studies, astronomy and space research, nanotechnologies
Section 5: Geography, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, ecology, health care studies, biotechnologies, medicine

The languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian and English.
The organizational committee is planning to publish the materials. In order to be part of the conference programme, the following need to be submitted to the organizational committee: the report (article) and the registration form of the conference participant, and an evidence (receipt or payment document) of participation payment.

Terms of Participation
The articles to be published need to be organized strictly according to the following requirement:

1.   The text of the report (article) that contains no more than 7 pages and the registration form have to be typed in MS Word programme. Tables, figures and pictures have to be titled and typed in MS Word programme.
2.   Borders: upper—2.5 cm, lower—2 cm, left—2.5 cm, right—1.5 cm.
3.   Fonts: Times New Roman, KZ Times Roman, size—12
4.   Spacing: single. Tabs—0.9 cm
5.   After skipping one line, centered, the title of the report is placed IN UPPER CASE/CAPS (IN BOLD).
6.   After skipping one line, below the title, centered, lower case, (IN BOLD) the author(s)’ initials (surname, name, patronymic names’ initials) are placed.
7.   Below: the full name of the organization (university, institute, science centre, laboratory etc.) where the work was done (IN BOLD), city (or oblast/area), country.
8.   The author’s e-mail address on the next page.
9.   After skipping one line, after Tabs—the report (article) per se.
10.   References are placed at the end of the text and are compiled according to the order of mentioning in the text. Quotations in the text are put in slash brackets, as a number that corresponds to the specific work in the references. When using quotations, it is required to specify the page of the used text, e.g. /1, p. 256/.

1.   The full name (surname, name, patronymic name)_____________________
2.   Degree__________________________________
3.   Institution, position______________________________________________
4.   Address (post code should be included) _____________________________
5.   Telephone number (with international code; mobile) ___________________
6.   E-mail (required) _______________________________________________
7.   Fax __________________________________________________________
8.   Report title ____________________________________________________
9.   Section _______________________________________________________
10.   Necessary technical facilities ____________________________________
11.   Necessity of the accommodation reservation (yes/no)_________________

(Please check below) I’m going:
   To present the report at the plenary meeting;
   To present the report at the meeting of the sections;     
   To take part in the conference as a listener.

If responding via email, please indicate “ZHAS GALYM-2009” from _________ (the surname of the participant)” in the subject of the letter.
The Committee of the conference and editorial group reserve the right to select the reports for the conference. The report materials will be reviewed before the conference and the chosen participants will be emailed the information letter # 2 with the invitation to the conference. The conference fee is paid after receiving the invitation letter. The conference fee is $35 for foreign participants.
Accommodation expenses are paid by the participant’s part. Foreign participants can pay the fee upon arrival (please submit the time and dates of the arrival via phone numbers listed below) or by sending the fee by postal order.
The text of the report and the registration form should be presented as one file named by the surname of the participant. If report is made by a team, the participants’ names, separated by a space, should appear in the name of the file. For example, for the participant Bakenov A.B. the name of the file can be presented as Bakenov. As for co-authors, for example, for participants D.Karabaev and G.Viktorov, electronic name of the file without any punctuation marks should be presented as follows: Karabayev Viktorov.
The deadline for acceptance of materials and registration is March 1, 2009.  Failure to correctly and timely complete the form as required will result in the rejection from being included in the collection of the scientific works.

Taraz State Pedagogical University, Research Department
Tole bi Street 62, Taraz, Kazakhstan
080000, (Attn: “For "ZHAS GALYM – 2009” conference”)

Contact information
Telephone numbers: (+7 7262) 22-40-19, (+7 7262) 42-63-91, 43-58-06
Fax: (+7 7262) 43-58-06                                                       

Key Dates
Deadline – March 1, 2009
Conference starts – April 16, 2009
Respectfully Yours,