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Автор Тема: Partners search from Italy - Mediterranean Invasives Initiative  (Прочетена 1448 пъти)


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  • Публикации: 47

Dear NCP Colleagues,
> I send hereby a partners search from Italy. Please, be so kind to
> distribute it to your contacts.
> Best regards,
> Giovanna
> Giovanna Maracchia
> National Contact Point IDEAS Programme (ERC)
> National Contact Point PEOPLE Programme (Mobility)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ------- PARTNER SEARCH MCINT-IT-10IRSES-1 --------
> ---------------------------------------------------
> <Reference n.: MCINT-IT-10IRSES-1>
> <Deadline: 13/03/2009>
> <Programme: Dimensione Internazionale>
> <Project Title: MII - Mediterranean Invasives Initiative>
> <Financial Scheme: >
> <Description: Enhance the cooperation between Europe and New Zealand to
> manage the threats of the invasives alien species on the island ecosystem.
> Invasive Alien Species (IAS), introduced plants and animals, are a leading
> threat to global biodiversity. Island ecosystems are particularly
> susceptible to IAS, and most recent extinctions of species have occurred
> on islands, e.g., at least 55% of recent bird extinctions have been
> directly linked to the effects of IAS.
> However, islands present the easiest opportunities to halt these threats.
> European countries are responsible for over 6000 islands and archipelagos
> that contain important populations of threatened and vulnerable species.
> European countries are increasingly considering management of IAS on these
> islands, e.g. Genovesi & Shine (2003), and the January 2008 Madrid
> Conference on IAS sponsored by the Governments of Spain and Slovenia.
> The main focus of MII project is to use the IRSES exchange programme to
> access New Zealand expertise to build capacity in the management of IAS on
> European islands, in order to promote island conservation action in
> Europe, to protect European biodiversity, conserve native ecosystems, and
> address  biological invasions, by building capacity and providing tools
> for addressing alien species threatening islands.
> Moreover is also expected to create additional benefits for the
> participants in terms of transfer of knowledge, exploit complementary
> expertise of the participants and create synergies between the partners
> focusing on the invasive alien species management.
> European and New Zealand’s partner countries will submit a joint
> multi-annual programme creating a Consortium in order to promote the staff
> exchange between the partners involved on and provide a joint programme
> focused on joint research and training activities, joint workshops and
> seminars, as well as other networking activities as the common basis for
> this collaboration.
> <Organisation Type: Università>
> <Partner Sought: Role in the Project: Technology development, Research,
> Training.
> Type of organisation: University, Research Organisation.
> Country: EU/AS Countries  >
> For further information about this Partner Search, including Contact
> Person's details, please consult this web address: